Home Interviews Celebrating Creativity: Explore Pixemix.com – Your Gateway to Exclusive Digital Design Adventures

Celebrating Creativity: Explore Pixemix.com – Your Gateway to Exclusive Digital Design Adventures


In a recent interview with Raamesh Chandra, the editor of Indian Startup Times, Tuhin Roy, the Co-founder of Pixemix.com shares the journey and inspiration behind the innovative digital design asset marketplace. Pixemix.com, aiming to serve the fashion and lifestyle industry, offers instant access to exclusive designs from professional designers worldwide. The founder discusses the challenges faced during the inception phase and strategies for growth and scaling. They also outline their vision for Pixemix.com‘s future, integrating AI and NFT technology while advising aspiring entrepreneurs. The interview concludes with a message emphasizing ethical integrity, self-belief, empathy, resilience, adaptability, and having a clear vision for entrepreneurial success.

(Q) Background and Inspiration

(A) My journey with art and design goes back to my childhood days when my parents & my ecosystem actively encouraged me to express myself creatively. It manifested as a career choice when I cleared my NIFT entrance and enrolled for Fashion Design program. I graduated from NIFT  Hyderabad in 2003 and came to the beautiful city of Bengaluru to explore career opportunities. After 9+ years of working experience in marquee brands like Identity, Levis Strauss India & Aditya Birla group, I was intrigued by starting a Strategic Design Agency built predominantly to cater towards the fashion & lifestyle industry. The industry lacked design agencies which would provide state of the art creative services in India This experience manifested in the creation of JUMPINGGOOSE & Pixemix.com

(Q) What inspired you to start Pixemix.com? Was there a specific problem or opportunity that motivated you?
Pixemix.com is India’s first global tech marketplace for digital design assets. The inspiration is rooted in the need for a global digital platform that instantly gives access to work-class designs which cater to the Fashion and Lifestyle Industry. We found Manufacturers, Startups,  Brands and Large enterprises struggling to hire efficient design teams, launch products fast, decode consumer and market trends and save time and capital. Secondly, pixemix.com has the vision of creating thousands of micro-entrepreneurs who can remotely sell their designs seamlessly on our platform by working from anywhere in the world.

Founding Pixemix.com

(Q) Could you walk us through the early days of Pixemix.com? What were the key challenges you faced during the inception phase?


(A) The early days were extremely challenging as we launched pixemix.com during Covid times. Also, hailing from design and launching a tech product came with many domain understanding challenges that I needed to adapt and learn. The concept demanded the platform to be global and creating the entire product, which included the UI/UX, brand creation & positioning, getting designers onboard to believe and sell on our platform, having enough design assets,  and eventually identifying the right demographics to sell and market, were prominent milestones we had to conquer. (Q) How did you assemble your initial team, and what qualities did you look for in your co-founders or early employees?


(A) Finding the perfect co-founder is pivotal for any venture’s success and well-being. It was also advantageous to have my co-founder, Mr Piyush Bhandari, from my other venture as a Co founder for.com. It was both our brainchild to create pixemix.com together. We fused the initial team, keeping in mind that they are passionate, proficient with domain knowledge, have the burning designer to perform and most importantly, possess positive attitude & temperament. Unique Value Proposition

(Q) What sets Pixemix.com apart from other players in the market? What is your unique value proposition?


(A) We have kept it simple yet profound. Pixemix.com provides Instant access to world-class designs at highly affordable prices. We have over 15K+ Designs created by 100+ world-class professional designers from 38+ countries. The designs are also native to only our website and can’t be found anywhere in the world. The designs are well researched as per trends and market nuances. By 2024, we plan to have 1lac assets on our platform.(Q) Can you share success stories or testimonials from users or clients


(A) We are continually humbled by our customer reactions, one of the most frequent feedback we get is, that the platform is a mammoth source for them to outsource high-quality designs instantly—the high quality designs are loved by our community.  Our clients have been able to scale their business multi-folds while saving a lot of capital. Our community of designers also love it, as we believe in co-creating opportunities together, and they earn the highest payoffs while selling through us. Growth and Scaling

(Q) What strategies did you employ to grow Pixemix.com from a startup to its current stage? Are there any pivotal moments or breakthroughs to highlight?


(A) Few strategies that have helped us scale and build our community is by having several unique value proposition. Focused and Simplified user experience enables customers to engage, continuous product innovation and maintain the highest quality and value, phygital marketing approach, being discoverable, partnerships and being ethical & honest.  (Q) How will you sustain and expand this growth in the coming years?


(A) While we have a chalked-out vision for coming times, some prominent strategies are to have great collaborations as we move ahead, be more visible in our ecosystem, empower our clients through providing consistent quality designs and trends, value through utmost ethical practices and professionalism, diversify into more product verticals and adapt fast to market nuances. Pixemix.com is a highly scalable global platform, and we are very excited about the future. Challenges and Learning

(Q) Entrepreneurship often comes with its fair share of challenges. Could you share some of the most significant challenges you’ve faced and how you overcame them?


(A) Like any business, we encounter constant challenges every day. We see them as market gaps/opportunities we want to solve as we move ahead. Some significant ones would be creating value for customers and keep building contributors’ communities, maintaining asset quality and brand experience, and getting discoverable to our customers and contributors. We solve these challenges by Establishing ourselves as a global trend destination, capturing trends and delivering fresh designs in the shortest time, launching new verticals and expanding globally, to name a few.

(Q) What are some key lessons or insights you’ve gained from your journey as the founder of Pixemix.com?

(A) Some valuable insights are that co-creation is critical for future thriving businesses, complimenting collaborations is vital for scaling fast, And value building for customers. Community is necessary, and empowering others in this whole journey is critical.

Some lessons to learn are that planning & structuring before we do anything is paramount, staying creative, innovating and executing faster is vital, adapting and re-inventing as per market needs constantly, having a robust team that delivers consistently and being open to keep learning is critical.

Future Vision

(Q) What does the future hold for Pixemix.com? Can you share any exciting developments, features, or expansions in the pipeline with us?

(A) We are thrilled with what the future holds for us. We are poised to be the world’s 1st and most significant platform for digital design assets catering to the fashion & lifestyle segment. With the unimaginable tech at our disposal, we intend to keep upgrading. We are integrating AI and NFT into our platforms; what sets us apart is the human touch, the intuitive human creativity we fuse with tech for our venture.

Besides this, we invest in being the best in class in terms of Trend Forecasting and offering designs at lightning speed to our customers. We also are working on bringing new features to the platform that will make the consumer experience even better and plan to launch Print on demand model in future. Customers can go for custom fabric printing by choosing any of www.pixemix.com‘s unique designs from independent artists worldwide.


(Q) How do you envision the role of Pixemix.comin your target market in the next 3-5 years?(A) Pixemix.com will be a global one-stop solution for all creative asset needs for Fashion and Lifestyle brands. It offers the best quality and value in print & pattern designs, social media templates, footage and images, which any startup or enterprise will need. Customers globally will have access to the world’s largest bank of quality design assets at affordable prices.

Advice for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

(Q) What advice would you give aspiring entrepreneurs looking to start their ventures, especially in your industry or niche?

(A) Combine your creative passion with insatiable, lasting business opportunities that elevate and add value to people’s lives. The design creates cultures.

(Q) Are there any resources or books that have been particularly influential in your entrepreneurial journey?

(A) I love reading and listening to Seth Godin & Brian Tracy’s ideas; they are transformational. Louise Hay & Wayne Dyer are great for self-improvement and inspiration. I am reading a fantastic book called The Creative Act by Rick Rubin.

Closing Thoughts

(Q) In your opinion, what are the essential qualities or attributes should a successful entrepreneur possess?

(A) Ethical Integrity, Self Belief, Empathy, resilience, adaptability and having a vision

(Q) Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers, perhaps a message or insight that has been instrumental in your success?


(A) I want to share a beautiful quote Peter Drucker has always believed in: “The best way to predict the future is to create it.” So go create your work of imagination. 

Here are the social media links for Pixemix.com:

Website: www.pixemix.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pixemix_official/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PixemixOfficial/
Pinterest: https://in.pinterest.com/pixemixofficial/



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