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Leading the Charge for Ethical Innovation and Sustainable Finance: An Exclusive Interview with Saad Kassis Mohamed, CEO of WeCare AI


Sustainable finance is becoming a major focus in the global financial landscape, with institutions and individuals alike moving towards investing in businesses and initiatives that prioritize environmental, social, and governance (ESG) goals. At the forefront of this movement is Saad Kassis Mohamed, the CEO of WeCare AI. Under his leadership, the company has made significant strides in promoting sustainability, ethical practices, and responsible investing.

In this exclusive interview with Indian Startup Times, Saad shares his insights on sustainable finance, the importance of ethical production, and his vision for the future of WeCare AI and the WeCare Foundation.

Q1. Could you tell us about your journey into the world of finance? Was sustainable finance always your goal, or did you transition into it later in your career?

Saad Kassis Mohamed: My entry into finance was quite traditional, starting with investment roles at well-established financial institutions. However, over time, I became increasingly interested in creating a positive social impact through finance. This realization was gradual, and it led me to transition into sustainable finance. I recognized the immense potential for finance to drive meaningful change, and I became an advocate for ethical investing and sustainability.

Q2. Why is sustainable finance important to you, and what can individuals do to make sustainable financial choices in their daily lives?

Saad Kassis Mohamed: Sustainable finance is important because it not only drives financial growth but also ensures the well-being of our environment and society. It supports projects and businesses that prioritize long-term sustainability over short-term profits. Individuals can contribute by making conscious financial choices—investing in companies with strong ESG practices, supporting green bonds, and selecting financial products that emphasize sustainability. Every decision counts when it comes to building a better future.

Q3. How did the WeCare Foundation come to be, and what inspired its creation?

Saad Kassis Mohamed: The WeCare Foundation was born out of a shared vision among philanthropists and professionals who wanted to address global challenges with innovative solutions. Our main focus areas are education, healthcare, and sustainable finance. The inspiration came from a desire to promote sustainable development and social equity, areas where we believe we can make a lasting impact.

Q4. WeCare Foundation recently raised $350,000 for lab-grown diamond development. How do you ensure that these diamonds are produced ethically and sustainably?

Saad Kassis Mohamed: Ethical and sustainable production is at the heart of everything we do at WeCare Foundation. For our lab-grown diamonds, we have a rigorous vetting process for partners. We thoroughly review their environmental practices, labour conditions, and transparency in operations. We make sure they use eco-friendly technologies and uphold fair labour practices to ensure the diamonds are responsibly produced.

Q5. Conscious consumerism is gaining traction, especially among younger generations. What resources would you recommend for those looking to make more ethical and sustainable choices?

Saad Kassis Mohamed: Conscious consumerism is indeed growing, and it’s encouraging to see younger generations leading the charge. For those looking to make more sustainable choices, I recommend exploring ethical investment platforms, sustainability-focused publications, and community groups dedicated to social responsibility. Websites like “Green America” and “Ethical Consumer” provide excellent guides and reviews on sustainable products and companies. Additionally, following trusted sustainability organizations on social media can help individuals stay informed and make better decisions.

Q6. Do you have any upcoming projects or announcements from the WeCare Foundation that you’d like to share?

Saad Kassis Mohamed: WeCare Foundation has some exciting projects on the horizon. We’re about to announce a partnership with a major global institution to launch an educational initiative focused on financial literacy and sustainable investing, particularly for youth. We’re also expanding our efforts in healthcare, with plans to provide essential medical services to underserved regions. We’ll be sharing more details soon, so stay tuned!

Saad Kassis Mohamed’s leadership at WeCare AI and the WeCare Foundation exemplifies a commitment to blending ethical practices with impactful innovation. As the world continues to face environmental and social challenges, his insights on sustainable finance, conscious consumerism, and responsible production offer a blueprint for how businesses and individuals can work together for a brighter future.

With initiatives that extend from lab-grown diamonds to financial literacy programs, Saad’s vision is one of growth, responsibility, and meaningful change. We look forward to seeing what WeCare Foundation will accomplish in the coming years.



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