Blinkit, Zomato’s quick commerce arm renowned for its 10-minute grocery delivery, has taken a significant leap into healthcare with the launch of its emergency ambulance service in Gurugram. Announced by Blinkit CEO Albinder Dhindsa on X, the initiative seeks to provide a rapid response to critical healthcare needs, promising a 10-minute arrival time.
The service kicks off with a fleet of five ambulances, each equipped with advanced medical equipment, including oxygen cylinders, automated external defibrillators (AEDs), and essential medicines. The vehicles will be staffed by trained paramedics and assistants, alongside skilled drivers, ensuring professional and timely care for patients.
With this move, Blinkit aims to address inefficiencies in traditional ambulance services, often criticized for delays and high costs. “We will operate this service at an affordable cost for customers and invest in really solving this critical problem for the long term,” Dhindsa emphasized, highlighting the venture’s strong social focus.
Ambulance booking is seamlessly integrated into Blinkit’s app, simplifying access to emergency medical care for its users. The company’s entry into the healthcare space could disrupt the ambulance service market and establish a new standard in urban emergency response.
Blinkit plans to expand its ambulance service to other major cities within the next two years, signaling its commitment to long-term impact in healthcare. The service will compete with existing players like Red.Health, Dial4242, and MeduLance, potentially redefining expectations for emergency medical transport in India.