Home Interviews Green Revolution: The Hapiso Journey Towards Sustainable Household Care.

Green Revolution: The Hapiso Journey Towards Sustainable Household Care.

In eco-friendly consumer goods, Hapiso shines brightly as a leader, offering innovative laundry detergent pods that are both effective and environmentally conscious. Founded by Vipul Chaturvedi, a passionate advocate for sustainability and a mechanical engineer by trade, Hapiso is committed to transforming how Indians approach laundry care.

In this exclusive interview, Vipul Chaturvedi shares the story behind Hapiso, discussing the brand’s inception, the challenges faced, and its future trajectory. Join us as we explore how Hapiso revolutionises the Indian market with convenient, eco-conscious solutions.

Ramesh Chandra: Can you tell us about your background and the inspiration behind founding Hapiso?

Vipul Chaturvedi: I am a mechanical engineer who has worked at India’s most significant water and wastewater management company. The inspiration behind founding Hapiso came during the COVID-19 pandemic when I was doing laundry at home and realized the need for a better way to handle laundry detergents, especially with the variety of clothes and floors we have in India. This led me to explore the concept of laundry pods, which were more common in Western countries but not tailored to Indian needs. I imported some samples, started using them, and realized the potential for a business idea focused on eco-friendly and effective laundry pods for Indian consumers.

Ramesh Chandra: How do Hapiso products contribute to reducing the environmental impact compared to traditional laundry detergents?

Vipul Chaturvedi: Hapiso products are plant-based and use polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), which is fully biodegradable and dissolves in water without leaving harmful traces. We also use eco-friendly and compostable packaging, avoiding plastic. These measures significantly reduce the environmental impact compared to traditional laundry detergents that often contain harsh chemicals and use plastic packaging.

Ramesh Chandra: What challenges did you face while introducing Hapiso detergent pods, and how did you overcome them?

Vipul Chaturvedi: One of the main challenges was consumer awareness and education about using the pods correctly. Many people needed to familiarize themselves with laundry pods and how they differed from traditional detergents. We addressed this challenge through targeted marketing campaigns and social media engagement to educate consumers about the benefits and usage of Hapiso pods. Over time, as awareness grew, we saw an increase in adoption and positive customer feedback.

Ramesh Chandra: How has the growing consumer awareness about eco-friendly products impacted your growth, and what strategies have you employed to reach and educate a wider audience?

Vipul Chaturvedi: The growing consumer awareness about eco-friendly products has benefited us as more people seek sustainable alternatives. We have focused on educating consumers about the environmental benefits of Hapiso pods through targeted marketing campaigns and social media engagement. We have also leveraged the trend of Indian consumers’ growing acceptance of Indian brands, positioning Hapiso as a high-quality, eco-friendly alternative to imported brands.

Ramesh Chandra: Can you elaborate on the eco-friendly packaging choices for Hapiso products and how significant your mission of using eco-friendly packaging is?

Vipul Chaturvedi: We decided that Hapiso pods would not be packed in plastic boxes. Instead, we opted for fully decomposable card paper boxes and biodegradable packaging materials. We also use brown paper tape to seal the boxes, avoiding the use of plastic. Our mission of using eco-friendly packaging is significant as it aligns with our core values of sustainability and reducing plastic waste.

Ramesh Chandra: How is technology influencing the future of eco-friendly products, and how does Hapiso leverage technology in its manufacturing and distribution processes?

Vipul Chaturvedi: Technology plays a crucial role in the manufacturing and distribution of eco-friendly products like Apiso pods. Our manufacturing process involves using advanced technology to create a high-quality product that meets our sustainability standards. We also leverage technology in our distribution processes, especially as a direct-to-consumer (D2C) brand, using online platforms for sales and logistics. This technological approach helps us reach a wider audience and maintain high-quality product standards.

Ramesh Chandra: How do you address the affordability aspect of eco-friendly products and make them accessible to a broader consumer base?

Vipul Chaturvedi: While sustainability often comes with a higher price tag, we aim to offer value for money with Hapiso products. By emphasizing the cost-effectiveness of our pods compared to traditional detergents (e.g., using fewer products for the same wash), we demonstrate that eco-friendly choices can also be economical in the long run. This approach helps us make Hapiso products accessible to a broader consumer base that values sustainability and affordability.

Ramesh Chandra: What has been the most rewarding moment in your journey with Hapiso as a founder, and what challenges have provided the most significant learning opportunities?

Vipul Chaturvedi: The most rewarding moment has been receiving positive feedback from customers who appreciate the environmental impact of Hapiso products. Knowing we are helping reduce plastic waste and promote sustainability is incredibly fulfilling. The challenges, such as stock shortages and distribution limitations, have provided valuable learning opportunities, teaching us to be more efficient and resilient as a business.

Ramesh Chandra: Can you tell us about the competition you face in the market and how Hapiso differentiates itself from other brands?

Vipul Chaturvedi: While there is competition in the laundry detergent market, especially from traditional brands and imported pods, Hapiso differentiates itself through its focus on eco-friendliness, quality, and innovation. We are the first Indian brand to manufacture non-drip pods in India, emphasizing our commitment to local production and sustainability. Our unique formulations, eco-friendly packaging, and customer-centric approach set us apart from competitors and resonate with consumers looking for high-quality, sustainable alternatives.

Ramesh Chandra: What are your plans and vision for Hapiso, and how do you see the brand evolving in the coming years?

Vipul Chaturvedi: Our vision for Hapiso is to become India’s leading eco-friendly household care brand, offering a range of sustainable products beyond laundry detergents. We plan to expand our product line to include dishwashing pods, surface cleaners, and other household essentials, all with the same commitment to quality and sustainability. We also aim to increase our presence in retail stores and e-commerce platforms to reach a wider audience across India.




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