Environmanly: Pioneering Eco-Friendly Personal Care for Men


In a world increasingly focused on sustainability, Environmanly has emerged as a beacon of eco-consciousness in the personal care industry. This visionary brand has revolutionized men’s grooming by blending modern science with a steadfast commitment to eco-friendliness. With a mission to simplify personal care, reduce clutter, and promote eco-conscious choices, Environmanly is setting a new standard in the market. In this interview, Rahul, the founder of Environmanly, shares the brand’s inception story, its flagship products, sustainability practices, and the challenges faced in establishing and scaling a sustainable brand. Rahul also discusses the brand’s partnerships, collaborations, and vision for the future as Environmanly strives to lead the way in shaping a more sustainable and responsible future for personal care in India.

(Q) Can you provide a brief background on the inception of Environmanly and the driving force behind your brand’s commitment to eco-friendliness and sustainability?

  • We are a brand that believes in community, creativity and pushing boundaries. In a world of crowded, inauthentic offerings, we started ENVIRONMANLY to deliver the products we demand with a message we can stand by. We want to create authentic products made and crafted with integrity. That guiding principle led us to create our family of environmentally conscious products –– made with clean, organic ingredients, no synthetic fillers, microplastic-free, and without any significant conglomerate influence. We know with today’s technology that, all-natural and organic skincare products could be more potent than synthetic ones.
  • Environmanly uses the highest quality, natural, organic ingredients to offer the most influential men’s skincare and grooming products. All products have plant-based active ingredients, 100% toxin-free, dermatologically tested, high in quality and made from naturally sourced ingredients. One key aspect of the brand is to offer a quality range without compromising on the environment. Environmanly is a clean and sustainable skincare brand for men who have devoted themselves to creating potent, customized skin-centred formulations to deliver exceptional results. The brand wants to empower a new wave of consumers that use what they need when they need it – very different from traditional buying.

(Q) Environmanly focuses on providing personal care products for men with an eco-conscious approach. Could you highlight some of your flagship products and how they align with your commitment to sustainability?

The beauty industry has a substantial impact on the environment, contributing to 8% of global plastic waste and producing approximately 140 billion packaging units each year. Unfortunately, very few of these are recycled, leading to plastic pollution in landfills, sewage systems, and oceans and harming marine life.

At Environmanly, we are committed to making a positive change. In our packaging, we use post-consumer-recycled tubes, taking the first step towards a more sustainable future. We’ve already recycled 427 kilograms of plastic in our initial batch of tubes.

But we believe that real change happens when we work together. We encourage our customers to return four or more empty Environmanly tubes. In return, they enjoy a 25% discount on their next purchase. This initiative is our way of making beauty truly clean, not only in terms of ingredients but also by addressing the overall customer consumption cycle. Together, we can reduce the beauty industry’s impact on the planet and make a difference for a cleaner, more sustainable future.

(Q) Sustainability is a crucial pillar of your brand. Could you share some eco-friendly practices and materials used in your product development and packaging?


We have successfully reduced the use of single-use plastic and replaced bubble wraps with shredded paper, plastic tapes with paper tapes, corrugated boxes that are biodegradable, paper seals instead of PPE labels, and paper seals instead of plastic seals. Even for business cards, we use NFC cards to save paper and traditional business card exchange.

We have reduced the number of products by simplifying custom formulations that do more with less, leading to reduced wastage of water during showers.

Sustainability is indeed at the core of our brand’s philosophy. In our commitment to reducing our environmental footprint, we have embraced numerous eco-friendly practices and materials throughout our product development and packaging processes:

  1. Reducing Single-Use Plastic: We’ve significantly reduced our use of single-use plastic. For instance, we’ve replaced plastic tubes with post-consumer recycled tubes, bubble wraps with eco-friendly shredded paper and swapped plastic tapes for paper tapes.
  2. Biodegradable Corrugated Boxes: Our packaging includes biodegradable corrugated boxes, aligning with our goal of minimizing the environmental impact of our products.
  3. Paper Seals and labels: We’ve replaced traditional plastic seals/labels with paper seals, promoting more sustainable and recyclable packaging.
  4. NFC Business Cards: We’ve reimagined our business cards using NFC (Near Field Communication) cards. This innovative approach reduces paper waste and eliminates the need for traditional business card exchanges, making networking environmentally friendly.
  5. Custom Formulations: We’ve simplified our product offerings through custom formulations designed to do more with less. By minimizing the number of products, we’ve not only streamlined our range but also reduced water wastage during shower usage.

Our commitment to sustainability extends beyond just the products themselves; it encompasses our entire approach to product development and packaging. By making these conscious choices, we can contribute to a greener and more eco-friendly future.


(Q) Environmanly blends modern science and technology in its product offerings. How do these elements contribute to the uniqueness of your personal care solutions?

Our journey began with a commitment to simplifying personal care for men and providing a hassle-free grooming experience. To achieve this, we embarked on an extensive research and development phase in collaboration with a cosmetic scientist. Over 12 months, we painstakingly perfected our range of six products.

Our goal was to introduce genuinely innovative solutions that addressed real needs, steering clear of the unnecessary clutter that often fills bathroom shelves. For instance, we identified a gap in the market where certain products, like intimate washes, were being promoted despite being medically unnecessary.

According to urologists and dermatologists, a simple regimen of room-temperature water and natural ingredient soap or body wash is sufficient for personal hygiene. This realization led to a clutter-free alternative—a first-of-its-kind in India—our Intimate Serum.

This product has become a favourite among our customers, providing up to 12 hours of freshness where and when needed. By making these well-informed choices and avoiding the creation of redundant products, we’ve not only simplified personal care but also significantly reduced bathroom clutter, minimized shower time, and conserved water. Our commitment to innovation and practicality is at the heart of Environmanly’s unique approach to personal care.

(Q) Reducing clutter and saving time and money are primary concerns for consumers. How do your products address these needs while maintaining an eco-friendly approach?

Reducing clutter, saving time, and cutting costs are paramount concerns for today’s consumers. At Environmanly, we have designed our products to directly address these needs while maintaining our unwavering commitment to an eco-friendly approach. Here’s how:

  • Minimalistic Product Range: We offer a concise range of essential grooming products for men. By simplifying personal care and focusing on what truly matters, we help consumers streamline their grooming routines, reducing bathroom clutter and saving time.
  • Multi-Utility Products: Our products, such as the Multi-Utility Balm, serve multiple purposes. This not only saves consumers money by eliminating the need to purchase various specialized products but also contributes to a clutter-free lifestyle.
  • Sustainable Packaging: We use eco-friendly packaging materials and offer a recycling program, encouraging customers to return empty product containers for recycling. This approach minimizes waste, aligning with eco-conscious values while keeping clutter at bay.
  • Quality Over Quantity: We believe in delivering high-quality, effective products over many options. By offering superior formulations, we ensure customers get more value from fewer products.
  • Educational Content: We provide informative content to guide consumers on effective grooming practices, helping them make informed choices and avoid unnecessary purchases. This happens via our podcast – “Rahul ko samajh nahi aata”, YouTube channel content for distribution and reach.

Environmanly’s approach not only simplifies personal care but also encourages a more eco-friendly and cost-effective lifestyle. By addressing these primary concerns, we empower consumers to make choices that are not only good for their grooming needs but also for the environment and their wallets.

(Q) In a world where sustainability is becoming increasingly important, how does Environmanly encourage conscious consumerism in personal care choices?

At Environmanly, we are deeply committed to encouraging conscious consumerism in personal care choices. We do this through several key initiatives and values:

  • Sustainable Product Development: We meticulously craft our products with sustainability in mind. This includes using eco-friendly materials and avoiding unnecessary additives. By providing essential products that cater to real grooming needs, we reduce excess consumption and waste.
  • Recycling Program: Our “Return 4 Tubes, Get 25% Off” program incentivizes customers to return empty Environmanly tubes for recycling. This not only reduces plastic waste but also actively involves consumers in responsible disposal practices.
  • Education and Awareness: We take pride in raising awareness about the importance of sustainable choices. Our social media platforms, YouTube channel, podcast and content are to educate consumers on eco-friendly alternatives and minimalistic living.
  • Transparency: We believe in transparent communication. Environmanly provides comprehensive information about the sustainability practices we follow, giving consumers the confidence to make informed choices.

Our goal is to make conscious consumerism the norm in personal care. By offering eco-friendly, effective products, actively promoting recycling, and fostering a sense of shared responsibility for the environment, we empower consumers to make choices that benefit both their grooming needs and the planet. Environmanly is leading the way in shaping a more sustainable and responsible future for personal care.

(Q) Can you share your biggest challenges while establishing and scaling a brand like Environmanly and how you overcame them?

Building and scaling a brand like Environmanly has its fair share of challenges. Some of the most significant hurdles we’ve faced and how we overcame them include:

  • Sustainability Sourcing: Finding suppliers who aligned with our commitment to eco-friendliness was a challenge. We overcame this by conducting thorough research, contacting multiple potential partners, and visiting facilities to ensure their practices matched our values. Although the cost implications are significantly higher than the abundantly available non-environment friendly solutions indeed, with time, as more brands implement sustainable practices, these will normalize.
  • Consumer Education: Communicating the importance of sustainable choices and minimalism to consumers was an initial challenge. To overcome this, we focused on creating informative content and engaging with our audience on social media platforms via my YouTube channel and now launching a podcast, gradually building a community that shared our values.
  • Balancing Innovation with Sustainability: Striking the right balance between product innovation and sustainability was a continuous challenge. We resolved this by investing in research and development targeting eco-friendly materials and practices. This ensured that our products were innovative and aligned with our sustainability goals.
  • Market Competition: Entering a market with established players presents a significant challenge. We overcame this by differentiating ourselves through innovative products that didn’t exist and creating a need for these. We will continue to strive for innovative products across our offerings.
  • Recycling Initiative Implementation: Encouraging customers to return empty tubes for recycling required changing consumer behaviour. To address this, we introduced incentives like discounts on future purchases to motivate our customers to participate in the recycling program.
  • Building Trust: As a new brand, building trust with consumers was paramount. We overcame this challenge by being transparent, delivering on our promises, and maintaining open and honest communication with our customers.

Our journey with Environmanly has been a constant learning experience. Overcoming these challenges required persistence, adaptability, and a steadfast commitment to our values. With each hurdle, we’ve emerged more substantial, innovative, and better equipped to contribute to a more sustainable and eco-friendly future.

(Q) Are there any noteworthy partnerships, collaborations, or initiatives you’ve undertaken to further your mission of sustainability and eco-friendliness?

Indeed, we collaborate and partner with like-minded entities and participate in meaningful initiatives to advance our mission of sustainability and eco-friendliness. Some noteworthy efforts include:

  • Recycling Initiatives: We actively promote the return and recycling of our product packaging. Our “Return 4 Tubes, Get 25% Off” initiative encourages customers to return empty Environmanly tubes, which we recycle, reducing plastic waste.
  • Collaboration with Eco-Friendly Suppliers: We source our materials from suppliers who share our commitment to sustainability. This includes using post-consumer-recycled materials in our packaging to minimize our environmental footprint.
  • Education and Awareness: We regularly engage with our customers and social media followers to raise awareness about eco-friendly choices. We provide tips and insights on sustainable living, fostering a sense of shared responsibility for the environment via our YouTube channel and podcast conversations with environmentalists, climate action entrepreneurs and more,

By collaborating with partners who prioritize sustainability, encouraging recycling, and contributing to sustainable causes, we’re taking proactive steps to ensure that our mission of eco-friendliness goes beyond our product line and positively impacts the world around us. Our commitment to sustainability remains at the forefront of all our initiatives.

(Q) Considering the Indian market, how do you envision the future of eco-friendly personal care products evolving, and where does Environmanly fit into this changing landscape?

Considering the Indian market, I see a promising and sustainable future for eco-friendly personal care products. As environmental consciousness continues to grow, consumers are becoming more aware of the impact their choices have on the planet. This awareness drives a significant shift towards eco-friendly and sustainable products, including those in the personal care sector.

Environmanly is well-positioned to play a pivotal role in this evolving landscape. Our brand offers not only effective personal care solutions but also environmentally responsible choices. We are committed to reducing plastic waste, promoting recycling, and incorporating eco-friendly materials into our packaging. Our practices, post-consumer-recycled tubes, encourage sustainable product life cycles.

Furthermore, our focus on minimalism and reducing unnecessary clutter aligns with the changing preferences of eco-conscious consumers. We’ve designed products that cater specifically to essential needs, avoiding redundant items that only contribute to waste and excess consumption.

In the future, I envision Environmanly as a leader in the eco-friendly personal care space, offering a range of products that address both the grooming needs of our customers and the collective responsibility we share towards the environment. Our commitment to sustainability and simplicity will continue to guide us as we adapt to the evolving landscape and contribute to a greener, more eco-conscious India.

(Q) What are your long-term aspirations and vision for Environmanly, and how do you plan to continue driving innovation in the sustainable personal care industry?

Our vision for Environmanly is to emerge as India’s premier and most sustainable personal care brand for men by 2030. We’re committed to making this vision a reality by focusing on several key initiatives:

  • Expanding Product Portfolio: We aim to diversify our product range to cater to the comprehensive grooming needs of men while upholding our sustainability principles.
  • Sustainable Innovation: We will continue to drive innovation by researching and adopting the latest eco-friendly technologies and materials in product development and packaging.
  • Community Engagement: Our long-term goal includes fostering a community of like-minded individuals who share our commitment to a sustainable lifestyle. We aim to collaborate and educate our customers on the importance of responsible consumption via my YouTube channel and podcast – “Rahul ko samajh Nahi aata”, launching in Nov this year.
  • Environmental Advocacy: Environmanly plans to actively advocate for sustainability actively actively, not just within our industry but at a broader level. We will engage in initiatives that promote eco-conscious choices and contribute to a greener, healthier planet.

Our journey is more than personal care; it’s about fostering a cultural shift towards sustainability. By consistently promoting eco-friendly practices and delivering innovative, effective products, Environmanly can lead towards a more sustainable future in the personal care industry.


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