In a groundbreaking move, Kratos Studios, a prominent player in the Web3 gaming industry, has unveiled its ambitious Kratos Games Network program, with a substantial allocation of Rs 50 crore in grants for gaming studios. This strategic initiative will revolutionize the gaming industry by empowering a new generation of game developers. Kratos Studios aims to support and catalyze the growth of 10-15 studios by March 2024, paving the way for a gaming revolution.
Kratos Studios has already made significant strides in enabling monetization for an impressive 1.5 lakh gamers, translating into a staggering Rs 5 crore in revenue. With the introduction of the Kratos Games Network, the company anticipates a monumental 100-fold increase in gamers, opening up exciting opportunities for developers and gamers.
One of the critical features of the Kratos Games Network is its commitment to extending grants to Web2 gaming development studios, with a clear roadmap to transition their games into blockchain gaming. The selection process for these grants will be on a range of factors, with a primary focus on profitability projections over 2-3 years, as well as game studios boasting a minimum daily active user count of 500,000.
What sets this initiative apart is the promise of granting shortlisted gaming studios access to Kratos Studios’ proprietary blockchain technology stack. This access unlocks a treasure trove, connecting them with a vast user base of 10 lakh on-chain global gamers, as emphasized in the firm’s official press release. This invaluable integration of blockchain technology empowers these studios to explore new avenues for monetization while simultaneously enhancing the gaming experience for their users.
Kratos Studios’ gaming community already spans multiple geographies, and the Kratos Games Network has global aspirations. It aims to support gaming studios not only in India but also across regions like Latin America, East Asia, and Southeast Asia. This broad reach will contribute to the enrichment and diversification of the global gaming landscape, further solidifying Kratos Studios’ position as a leader in the Web3 gaming arena.
In summary, Kratos Studios’ Kratos Games Network program is a game-changer for the gaming industry, offering a lifeline to both established and emerging game developers. With its generous grants, cutting-edge blockchain technology, and extensive user base, it plans to usher in a new era of gaming that promises to be more profitable, engaging, and global in scope. Kratos Studios’ commitment to fostering gaming innovation will leave an indelible mark on the industry, creating opportunities for gaming studios worldwide to thrive and succeed.